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(function ($) {

  if (!$.event.special.move) {

modify live steal the live handler ....

  var bind = function (object, method) {
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
    return function () {
      var args2 = [this].concat(args, $.makeArray(arguments));
      return method.apply(object, args2);
    event = $.event,

function to clear the window selection if there is one

    clearSelection = window.getSelection ?
    function () {
    } : function () {},

    supportTouch = "ontouchend" in document,

Use touch events or map it to mouse events

    startEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
    stopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
    moveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",

On touchmove events the default (scrolling) event has to be prevented

    preventTouchScroll = function (ev) {

  $.Drag = function () {};

  $.extend($.Drag, {
    lowerName: "drag",
    current: null,
    distance: 0,

    mousedown: function (ev, element) {
      var isLeftButton = ev.button === 0 || ev.button == 1,
        doEvent = isLeftButton || supportTouch;

      if (!doEvent || this.current) {

create Drag

      var drag = new $.Drag(),
        delegate = ev.delegateTarget || element,
        selector = ev.handleObj.selector,
        self = this;
      this.current = drag;

        element: element,
        delegate: ev.delegateTarget || element,
        selector: ev.handleObj.selector,
        moved: false,
        _distance: this.distance,
        callbacks: {
          dragdown: event.find(delegate, ["dragdown"], selector),
          draginit: event.find(delegate, ["draginit"], selector),
          dragover: event.find(delegate, ["dragover"], selector),
          dragmove: event.find(delegate, ["dragmove"], selector),
          dragout: event.find(delegate, ["dragout"], selector),
          dragend: event.find(delegate, ["dragend"], selector),
          dragcleanup: event.find(delegate, ["dragcleanup"], selector)
        destroyed: function () {
          self.current = null;
      }, ev);

  $.extend($.Drag.prototype, {
    setup: function (options, ev) {
      $.extend(this, options);

      this.element = $(this.element);
      this.event = ev;
      this.moved = false;
      this.allowOtherDrags = false;
      var mousemove = bind(this, this.mousemove),
        mouseup = bind(this, this.mouseup);
      this._mousemove = mousemove;
      this._mouseup = mouseup;
      this._distance = options.distance ? options.distance : 0;

where the mouse is located

      this.mouseStartPosition = ev.vector();

      $(document).bind(moveEvent, mousemove);
      $(document).bind(stopEvent, mouseup);
      if (supportTouch) {

On touch devices we want to disable scrolling

        $(document).bind(moveEvent, preventTouchScroll);

      if (!this.callEvents('down', this.element, ev)) {

this is for firefox


    destroy: function () {

Unbind the mouse handlers attached for dragging

      $(document).unbind(moveEvent, this._mousemove);
      $(document).unbind(stopEvent, this._mouseup);
      if (supportTouch) {

Enable scrolling again for touch devices when the drag is done

        $(document).unbind(moveEvent, preventTouchScroll);

      if (!this.moved) {
        this.event = this.element = null;

      if (!supportTouch) {
    mousemove: function (docEl, ev) {
      if (!this.moved) {
        var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ev.pageX - this.event.pageX, 2) + Math.pow(ev.pageY - this.event.pageY, 2));

Don't initialize the drag if it hasn't been moved the minimum distance

        if (dist < this._distance) {
          return false;

Otherwise call init and indicate that the drag has moved

        this.init(this.element, ev);
        this.moved = true;

      this.element.trigger('move', this);
      var pointer = ev.vector();
      if (this._start_position && this._start_position.equals(pointer)) {
      this.draw(pointer, ev);

    mouseup: function (docEl, event) {

if there is a current, we should call its dragstop

      if (this.moved) {

    noSelection: function (elm) {
      elm = elm || this.delegate
      document.documentElement.onselectstart = function () {

Disables selection

        return false;
      document.documentElement.unselectable = "on";
      this.selectionDisabled = (this.selectionDisabled ? this.selectionDisabled.add(elm) : $(elm));
      this.selectionDisabled.css('-moz-user-select', '-moz-none');

    selection: function () {
      if (this.selectionDisabled) {
        document.documentElement.onselectstart = function () {};
        document.documentElement.unselectable = "off";
        this.selectionDisabled.css('-moz-user-select', '');

    init: function (element, event) {
      element = $(element);

the element that has been clicked on

      var startElement = (this.movingElement = (this.element = $(element)));

if a mousemove has come after the click if the drag has been cancelled

      this._cancelled = false;
      this.event = event;

      this.mouseElementPosition = this.mouseStartPosition.minus(this.element.offsetv()); //where the mouse is on the Element
      this.callEvents('init', element, event);

Check what they have set and respond accordingly if they canceled

      if (this._cancelled === true) {

if they set something else as the element

      this.startPosition = startElement != this.movingElement ? this.movingElement.offsetv() : this.currentDelta();


Adjust the drag elements z-index to a high value

      this.oldZIndex = this.movingElement.css('zIndex');
      this.movingElement.css('zIndex', 1000);
      if (!this._only && this.constructor.responder) {

calls $.Drop.prototype.compile if there is a drop element

        this.constructor.responder.compile(event, this);
    makePositioned: function (that) {
      var style, pos = that.css('position');

Position properly, set top and left to 0px for Opera

      if (!pos || pos == 'static') {
        style = {
          position: 'relative'

        if (window.opera) {
          style.top = '0px';
          style.left = '0px';
    callEvents: function (type, element, event, drop) {
      var i, cbs = this.callbacks[this.constructor.lowerName + type];
      for (i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) {
        cbs[i].call(element, event, this, drop);
      return cbs.length;

    currentDelta: function () {
      return new $.Vector(parseInt(this.movingElement.css('left'), 10) || 0, parseInt(this.movingElement.css('top'), 10) || 0);

draws the position of the dragmove object

    draw: function (pointer, event) {

only drag if we haven't been cancelled;

      if (this._cancelled) {

the offset between the mouse pointer and the representative that the user asked for

      this.location = pointer.minus(this.mouseElementPosition);

call move events

      if (this._cancelled) {
      if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {

fill in

      if (!this._only && this.constructor.responder) {
        this.constructor.responder.show(pointer, this, event);

    position: function (newOffsetv) { //should draw it on the page
      var style, dragged_element_css_offset = this.currentDelta(),

the drag element's current left + top css attributes the vector between the movingElement's page and css positions this can be thought of as the original offset

        dragged_element_position_vector = this.movingElement.offsetv().minus(dragged_element_css_offset);
      this.required_css_position = newOffsetv.minus(dragged_element_position_vector);

      this.offsetv = newOffsetv;
      style = this.movingElement[0].style;
      if (!this._cancelled && !this._horizontal) {
        style.top = this.required_css_position.top() + "px";
      if (!this._cancelled && !this._vertical) {
        style.left = this.required_css_position.left() + "px";
    move: function (event) {
      this.callEvents('move', this.element, event);
    over: function (event, drop) {
      this.callEvents('over', this.element, event, drop);
    out: function (event, drop) {
      this.callEvents('out', this.element, event, drop);

    end: function (event) {

If canceled do nothing

      if (this._cancelled) {

notify the responder - usually a $.Drop instance

      if (!this._only && this.constructor.responder) {
        this.constructor.responder.end(event, this);

      this.callEvents('end', this.element, event);

      if (this._revert) {
        var self = this;

animate moving back to original position

          top: this.startPosition.top() + "px",
          left: this.startPosition.left() + "px"
        }, function () {
          self.cleanup.apply(self, arguments);
      else {
      this.event = null;

    cleanup: function (event) {
        zIndex: this.oldZIndex
      if (this.movingElement[0] !== this.element[0] && !this.movingElement.has(this.element[0]).length && !this.element.has(this.movingElement[0]).length) {
          display: 'none'
      if (this._removeMovingElement) {

Remove the element when using drag.ghost()


      if (event) {
        this.callEvents('cleanup', this.element, event);

      this.movingElement = this.element = this.event = null;

    cancel: function () {
      this._cancelled = true;
      if (!this._only && this.constructor.responder) {

clear the drops

        this.constructor.responder.clear(this.event.vector(), this, this.event);


    ghost: function (parent) {

create a ghost by cloning the source element and attach the clone to the dom after the source element

      var ghost = this.movingElement.clone().css('position', 'absolute');
      if (parent) {
      } else {

put the ghost in the right location ...


store the original element and make the ghost the dragged element

      this.movingElement = ghost;
      this._removeMovingElement = true;
      return ghost;

    representative: function (element, offsetX, offsetY) {
      this._offsetX = offsetX || 0;
      this._offsetY = offsetY || 0;

      var p = this.mouseStartPosition;

Just set the representative as the drag element

      this.movingElement = $(element);
        top: (p.y() - this._offsetY) + "px",
        left: (p.x() - this._offsetX) + "px",
        display: 'block',
        position: 'absolute'
      this.mouseElementPosition = new $.Vector(this._offsetX, this._offsetY);
      return this;

    revert: function (val) {
      this._revert = val === undefined ? true : val;
      return this;

    vertical: function () {
      this._vertical = true;
      return this;

    horizontal: function () {
      this._horizontal = true;
      return this;

    only: function (only) {
      return (this._only = (only === undefined ? true : only));

    distance: function (val) {
      if (val !== undefined) {
        this._distance = val;
        return this;
      } else {
        return this._distance








  'dragcleanup'], startEvent, function (e) {
    $.Drag.mousedown.call($.Drag, e, this);

  return $;