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(function ($) {
  var event = $.event;

  var eventNames = [







  $.Drop = function (callbacks, element) {
    $.extend(this, callbacks);
    this.element = $(element);

add the elements ...

  $.each(eventNames, function () {
    event.special[this] = {
      add: function (handleObj) {

add this element to the compiles list

        var el = $(this),
          current = (el.data("dropEventCount") || 0);
        el.data("dropEventCount", current + 1)
        if (current == 0) {
      remove: function () {
        var el = $(this),
          current = (el.data("dropEventCount") || 0);
        el.data("dropEventCount", current - 1)
        if (current <= 1) {

  $.extend($.Drop, {

    lowerName: "drop",
    _rootElements: [],

elements that are listening for drops

    _elements: $(),

elements that can be dropped on

    last_active: [],
    endName: "dropon",

adds an element as a 'root' element this element might have events that we need to respond to

    addElement: function (el) {

check other elements

      for (var i = 0; i < this._rootElements.length; i++) {
        if (el == this._rootElements[i]) return;
    removeElement: function (el) {
      for (var i = 0; i < this._rootElements.length; i++) {
        if (el == this._rootElements[i]) {
          this._rootElements.splice(i, 1)

    sortByDeepestChild: function (a, b) {

Use jQuery.compare to compare two elements

      var compare = a.element.compare(b.element);
      if (compare & 16 || compare & 4) return 1;
      if (compare & 8 || compare & 2) return -1;
      return 0;

    isAffected: function (point, moveable, responder) {
      return ((responder.element != moveable.element) && (responder.element.within(point[0], point[1], responder._cache).length == 1));

    deactivate: function (responder, mover, event) {
      mover.out(event, responder)
      responder.callHandlers(this.lowerName + 'out', responder.element[0], event, mover)

    activate: function (responder, mover, event) { //this is where we should call over
      mover.over(event, responder)
      responder.callHandlers(this.lowerName + 'over', responder.element[0], event, mover);
    move: function (responder, mover, event) {
      responder.callHandlers(this.lowerName + 'move', responder.element[0], event, mover)

    compile: function (event, drag) {

if we called compile w/o a current drag

      if (!this.dragging && !drag) {
      } else if (!this.dragging) {
        this.dragging = drag;
        this.last_active = [];
      var el, drops, selector, dropResponders, newEls = [],
        dragging = this.dragging;

go to each root element and look for drop elements

      for (var i = 0; i < this._rootElements.length; i++) { //for each element
        el = this._rootElements[i]

gets something like {"": ["dropinit"], ".foo" : ["dropover","dropmove"] }

        var drops = $.event.findBySelector(el, eventNames)

get drop elements by selector

        for (selector in drops) {
          dropResponders = selector ? jQuery(selector, el) : [el];

for each drop element

          for (var e = 0; e < dropResponders.length; e++) {

add the callbacks to the element's Data there already might be data, so we merge it

            if (this.addCallbacks(dropResponders[e], drops[selector], dragging)) {

once all callbacks are added, call init on everything ...

      this.add(newEls, event, dragging)

adds the drag callbacks object to the element or merges other callbacks ... returns true or false if the element is new ... onlyNew lets only new elements add themselves

    addCallbacks: function (el, callbacks, onlyNew) {
      var origData = $.data(el, "_dropData");
      if (!origData) {
        $.data(el, "_dropData", new $.Drop(callbacks, el));
        return true;
      } else if (!onlyNew) {
        var origCbs = origData;

merge data

        for (var eventName in callbacks) {
          origCbs[eventName] = origCbs[eventName] ? origCbs[eventName].concat(callbacks[eventName]) : callbacks[eventName];
        return false;

calls init on each element's drags. if its cancelled it's removed adds to the current elements ...

    add: function (newEls, event, drag, dragging) {
      var i = 0,

      while (i < newEls.length) {
        drop = $.data(newEls[i], "_dropData");
        drop.callHandlers(this.lowerName + 'init', newEls[i], event, drag)
        if (drop._canceled) {
          newEls.splice(i, 1)
        } else {
      this._elements.push.apply(this._elements, newEls)
    show: function (point, moveable, event) {
      var element = moveable.element;
      if (!this._elements.length) return;

      var respondable, affected = [],
        propagate = true,
        i = 0,
        j, la, toBeActivated, aff, oldLastActive = this.last_active,
        responders = [],
        self = this,

what's still affected ... we can also move element out here

      while (i < this._elements.length) {
        drag = $.data(this._elements[i], "_dropData");

        if (!drag) {
          this._elements.splice(i, 1)
        else {
          if (self.isAffected(point, moveable, drag)) {

we should only trigger on lowest children

      event.stopRespondPropagate = function () {
        propagate = false;

      toBeActivated = affected.slice();

all these will be active

      this.last_active = affected;

deactivate everything in last_active that isn't active

      for (j = 0; j < oldLastActive.length; j++) {
        la = oldLastActive[j];
        i = 0;
        while ((aff = toBeActivated[i])) {
          if (la == aff) {
            toBeActivated.splice(i, 1);
          } else {
        if (!aff) {
          this.deactivate(la, moveable, event);
        if (!propagate) return;
      for (var i = 0; i < toBeActivated.length; i++) {
        this.activate(toBeActivated[i], moveable, event);
        if (!propagate) return;

activate everything in affected that isn't in last_active

      for (i = 0; i < affected.length; i++) {
        this.move(affected[i], moveable, event);

        if (!propagate) return;
    end: function (event, moveable) {
      var la, endName = this.lowerName + 'end',
        onEvent = $.Event(this.endName, event),

call dropon go through the actives ... if you are over one, call dropped on it

      for (var i = 0; i < this.last_active.length; i++) {
        la = this.last_active[i]
        if (this.isAffected(event.vector(), moveable, la) && la[this.endName]) {
          la.callHandlers(this.endName, null, onEvent, moveable);

        if (onEvent.isPropagationStopped()) {

call dropend

      for (var r = 0; r < this._elements.length; r++) {
        dropData = $.data(this._elements[r], "_dropData");
        dropData && dropData.callHandlers(endName, null, event, moveable);


    clear: function () {
      this._elements.each(function () {

remove temporary drop data

        $.removeData(this, "_dropData")
      this._elements = $();
      delete this.dragging;
  $.Drag.responder = $.Drop;

  $.extend($.Drop.prototype, {

    callHandlers: function (method, el, ev, drag) {
      var length = this[method] ? this[method].length : 0
      for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        this[method][i].call(el || this.element[0], ev, this, drag)

    cache: function (value) {
      this._cache = value != null ? value : true;

    cancel: function () {
      this._canceled = true;

  return $;