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(function ($) {

  var current, rnamespaces = /\.(.*)$/,
    returnFalse = function () {
      return false
    returnTrue = function () {
      return true

  $.Event.prototype.isPaused = returnFalse

  $.Event.prototype.pause = function () {

stop the event from continuing temporarily keep the current state of the event ...

    this.pausedState = {
      isDefaultPrevented: this.isDefaultPrevented() ? returnTrue : returnFalse,
      isPropagationStopped: this.isPropagationStopped() ? returnTrue : returnFalse

    this.isPaused = returnTrue;

  $.Event.prototype.resume = function () {

temporarily remove all event handlers of this type

    var handleObj = this.handleObj,
      currentTarget = this.currentTarget;

temporarily overwrite special handle

    var origType = $.event.special[handleObj.origType],
      origHandle = origType && origType.handle;

    if (!origType) {
      $.event.special[handleObj.origType] = {};
    $.event.special[handleObj.origType].handle = function (ev) {

remove this once we have passed the handleObj

      if (ev.handleObj === handleObj && ev.currentTarget === currentTarget) {
        if (!origType) {
          delete $.event.special[handleObj.origType];
        } else {
          $.event.special[handleObj.origType].handle = origHandle;
    delete this.pausedState;

reset stuff

    this.isPaused = this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;

    if (!this.isPropagationStopped()) {

fire the event again, no events will get fired until same currentTarget / handler

      $.event.trigger(this, [], this.target);


  return $;