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(function ($) {

bind on the window window resizes to happen

  win = $(window),
    windowWidth = 0,
    windowHeight = 0,

  $(function () {
    windowWidth = win.width();
    windowHeight = win.height();

  $.event.reverse('resize', {
    handler: function (ev, data) {
      var isWindow = this === window;

if we are the window and a real resize has happened then we check if the dimensions actually changed if they did, we will wait a brief timeout and trigger resize on the window this is for IE, to prevent window resize 'infinate' loop issues

      if (isWindow && ev.originalEvent) {
        var width = win.width(),
          height = win.height();

        if ((width != windowWidth || height != windowHeight)) {

update the new dimensions

          windowWidth = width;
          windowHeight = height;
          timer = setTimeout(function () {
          }, 1);

        return true;

  return $;